Getting to know you, getting to know all about you! Isn't that what the internet allows us to do? Get to know people that we don't even really know but …
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you! Isn't that what the internet allows us to do? Get to know people that we don't even really know but …
Okay you all are the beezies kneezies. Fa real. I got some very kind words from all you kind people after my mini rant on Facebook last night. And I …
I watched this week. I watched as tweens and teens gathered together for a revival, of sorts. A time to get together and revive their faith, restore their souls, and …
I wouldn't be me without him. I wouldn't have my same sense of humor. I wouldn't know sayings like, "you can pick your friends. And you can pick your nose. …
I sat on the grass. Usually I sit in the stands. But the hubs had mentioned that it's always cooler on the hill. So I sat. My phone died. And …
The Cattlemen's Ball. The event is put on through the Cattlemen's Ball of Nebraska, Inc and according to its event website: The Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska is a charitable organization that moves through …
Before you ask... because it's the number one question I have gotten... Nope. No plans to ever run a 13.1 mile race again. A 10k, sure. A 5k, absolutely! But …
People often ask, "what did you learn from having cancer?" How do I even begin to cover all the things I learned from even just the waiting for a life changing …
I watched her. My sweet friend nursed her babe the other day as we chatted. And I watched. Not like a voyeur. I wasn't catching any boob views. But I …
When I was playing the waiting game with my diagnosis -- the first few weeks of blur... blood work, biopsies, urine specimens, medical history, ultrasounds, mammograms -- I was out …