Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat…and frankly, so is one mama-to-be. Adam and I took a trip to our midwife, Jearlyn, yesterday for a little Snowball session. While I had racked up 10 pounds as of last month, I have nearly doubled since … packing 7 new points on the scale. Since my last appointment, our sweet Snowball has doubled in size and I am measuring spot on at 24 weeks. There is no mistaking that I am pregnant now as my belly becomes rounder with each day and it becomes increasingly harder for me to roll onto my stomach during slumber. There is also a weird deposit of fat that seems to have attached itself to my ever expanding waistline which has created a whole new meaning for muffin top…I know, gross.
Snowball’s heartbeat was yet again strong and the assisting PA confirmed what I had already discovered, I am carrying one bustling little baby. As she placed the doppler atop my paunch she found the heartbeat and Snowball quickly evaded her attempts as she followed him/her around as if engaged in a game of cat and mouse. I have, for the most part, nixed caffeine for this little 10 month trip but something has incited quite the fire in our infant. Jearlyn, Adam and I chatted up the realities of being a high risk pg player and all in all, the appointment was fantastico!
There seems to be a lot of curiosity surrounding the fact that
1)Adam and I see a midwife
2)We are set to deliver in Lincoln, not Omaha
Outside of our little departure to Austin, I have been seeing Jearlyn Schumacher of Heart and Hands clinic since I needed to care for my girly goods. I really love Jearlyn’s personality and calming disposition and I couldn’t possibly imagine going on this gestational journey without her wisdom and care.
To dispel any preconceived notions regarding midwifery, I am not going to be delivering Snowball at home, I have no intention of pulling the baby out with my own two hands and am not reading up on the new age nuances of childbirth (although I have no issue with any of it, it’s just not for me). Due to my BP puzzles, I will likely be induced early with the assistance of an epidural to keep mama and baby cool, calm and collected. And… because Jearlyn and my co-managing dude, Dr. Kenny are both in Lincoln, Adam and I will welcome Snowball into the world at St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Lincoln, the destination my mother chose for my world debut.
By the time we have our next child, we may determine it’s asinine to make the “trek” for every single doctor date but for now, we’re quite pleased with our prenatal pairing.