Because the first ones, the ones I hoped for at age 16… You have to go. You are toxic in my body. So it’s time we nip these boobies in the bud.
Last night , I had a sort-of send-off for you girls. Because for all the years that I sort of hated you, it wasn’t really you, it was me. It was me thinking that one size should fit all when it comes to boobs and bodies. It was me wishing I could look like everyone else. And now look at me, I’m going to implant city and I don’t even want to be. My biggest fear is that in getting the falsies, I won’t feel like me anymore. That I’ll feel less comfortable with my newly formed body. The body that it took me years to accept.
I finally loved you, body. I was finally feeling good about you girls. And then, well, cancer came in a stole the show.
So to the girls who’ve been with me through it all, I say thank you for your years of service. For sticking with me through love, marriage, the baby carriage. I will miss you and remember you fondly. And remember you being fondled. As will my husband, I’d guess.