Adam and I enjoyed a pleasurable Thanksgiving 2008. We are participants in the two-fer Turkey Day tradition. For the noon meal, we partake in delicious dining and fab fam time at Lyle and Kathy’s and then for din din, we trek on back to O-town for an evening with the Eickman’s held at Casa de Brehm. At Lyle and Kathy’s, we spent the feasting hours with nearly 30 of Adam’s aunts, uncles, cousins and grandfolks. Snowball’s favorite dish was definitely Grandma Kathy’s gooey, delicious sweet potatoes. Yummmmmy.
Upon returning to our home, we joined the festivities with the Eickman clan. Not only is it fabulous that we are fortunate enough to savor two sensational spreads in one day, it’s also great that at the end of the day we get to rest our heads in our own bed. Snowball’s favorite dish at the Tad and Dodie dinner was definitely Gma Dodie’s brussels sprouts. (Hopefully this child loves veggies… I’m doing my best.) The evening meal was followed by hangout time with the fam — Tad and Dodie, Matthew, Laura, and Davis, Danielle, Chris and Drew and Doug and Judi. Around 11:00, everyone passed out from what was surely a healthy dose of contagious food coma.
We packed our pad that night and thus Adam and I shacked up on the living room floor. Sleeping on an air mattress at nearly 7 months pg was an experience for sure. Having recently taken resemblence to the Stay-Puff marshmallow man, I found my protruding pouch to be a bit of a hazard on the bed of air. And poor Adam, thinking he might get some sleep as I tossed and turned throught the twilight hours…
We sent off the majority of the fam throughout the morning and then spent some qt with our nephew, Davis, for a short while. Before my parents parted, Dodie did her magic in the kitchen and cooked up some waffles and bacon for the breakfast meal. Quickly I discovered that something was off… Bacon, a food that I have long considered to be one of the main food groups and quite frankly, one of my closest friends, was making my stomach turn, and in turn, making Snowball turn… and turn. and turn. And soon enough, toss. And toss I did.
So our festive Friday quickly split between spending time on the bathroom floor and moaning and groaning in bed with Adam laying at my side (what a different way to spend the day in bed with my husby). Having the barfies just nearly into the third trimester was an experience like no other. As my stomach twisted, Snowball persisted and actively kicked, punched and sommersaulted his/her way thru the flu. After a sleepless slumber (of which many are to come), the next man was down.
Adam, the Rock-Hard Immune System man hurled his way through the holiday weekend. We looked like squatters in our own home with blankets covering the windows and a pot from the kitchen we shared “just in case”. Between the Mylanta and the diet of Gatorade and water, we defined a whole new kind of romance. We both returned to work on Monday and have been easing our stomachs through the work week.