Yesterday, Barrett and I had our weekly gab session with Dr. Dek and Barrett tipped the scale at 6 lbs 2 ounces. Our little fatty is getting on the right track and Dr. Dek was elated with his pound packing. I threw my hands up in the air in jubilation as the scale stopped above six pounds and am thrilled with his progress as that means he packed on 1 and a half ounces daily since his last doctor’s date and that he’s been spending ample time at my breastaurant. Slowly, little Barrett Buttons’ forehead wrinkles disappear, his skin seems to better fit his body and his little rump becomes rounder … all signs that our little preemie is hitting his stride.
Following last week’s appointment, I heeded the advice of the good doctor and have taken a stab at eliminating soy from my diet in addition to dairy. In an apparent failed attempt to reintroduce soy, it looks like my diet will be sans dairy and soy for the forseeable future. It seems that some babies’ little tummies are just too small to stomach some of the stuff from the cow so until Barrett gets a bit bigger, it’s chicken and veggies for mama. I have to remind myself it’s a small sacrifice for his happiness… surely not the last time I will utter those words as a mom.
As Barrett is now almost six weeks old, I find myself liking him better every day. I am sure that’s a funny statement but to be perfectly candid, there were moments in the first two sleep-deprived weeks that I found myself secretly thinking “Holy moly, what have we done?” and a few moments since that I have thought “Where do we get a less bothered babe?”. I didn’t dare utter these sentiments to anyone else out of fear that I might have Barrett ripped from my care, but now that we are in the groove, I can honestly say that life is a whole new normal at our house and I think he’s starting to like us as well. I have to keep reminding myself that he has only been out in the big, scary world for just over 30 days so when he pees into his face (with quite incredible accuracy), poops mid-diaper change, or has a red-faced attack for no good reason, it really isn’t his fault… it’s just part of the learning curve.
Because Barrett is spit-up central, my wardrobe is currently restricted to t-shirts and such around the house and I welcome any opportunity to get gussied up and get out on the town. I have quickly mastered the art of going from bath to ready for business in just under 30 minutes flat, doing my makeup with one hand, and never putting the shirt I want to wear in public on until right after I get Barrett safely placed in his carseat… when I have two hands available and spit-up at a safer distance. I have decided that as women go through a nine month gestational journey, not only should we grow a bigger tummy, but also grow a new limb. Just one extra arm would be quite handy these days… imagine how much Octomom could get done around her house if she had one extra hand per child. For the most part, Barrett’s day consists of eating, sleeping, spitting up and filling his shorts (which isn’t much different than many of the guys I met in college) but somehow, these few things seem to keep me on my toes.
The weirdest part of the post partum period is what has happened to my body. I seem to have dropped much of the pregnancy weight but it seems that things have found a new home since pre-pregnancy. My stomach resembles a bowl full of jelly and my thighs are out of control. I got back on the horse on Saturday following my pp check and hit the gym. After a few trips to the gym, I have a whole new love of working out as I found myself not counting down every minute but relishing in the time that I had to relax and release. My body is certainly a work in progress and I have already asked myself what I was complaining about before … I realize I was no Jennifer Aniston or Kelly Ripa but I would gladly take my old bod back in exchange for the hot mess that it seems to have become. Luckily, there are plenty of women out there who get their groove back … look at Stella.
Well, the posts are currently few and far between but as I get better at typing with one hand and as Barrett gets better at chillin’ in the swing and bouncy seat, they may pick up again soon… but as I’ve quickly realized, there’s no sense in pretending I have control:)…