Throughout our marriage, Adam and I have been halfsies. While Adam and I are willing to compromise on most anything else, Holidays never made it on the list of give-ins…and honestly, neither one of us has really ever made the request. If you grew up in a family that you even halfway like, Holidays are tough when you wed. In jest, I always stated that I would have to marry a Christmas Eve-r because the Eickman family always opened our gifts on Christmas day. But I neglected to think about the fact that if I married an Eve-r, I would never be around for the candlelight service at my childhood church, I would not be able to wake up and run up the stairs to open stockings at the crack of dawn with our children and that by all of us kiddos being Christmas day-ers, my parents would be left alone for many a Christmas eve and Christmas morn…and likewise, my spouse would never be at his home for Jesus’ big day. Now, this is not to say that this realization presenting itself earlier would have prevented my marriage to the love of life but perhaps the prenup would have looked a little different.