Barrett’s surgery was a success! The entire procedure lasted about 4 hours and then Barrett was returned to us after a brief time in recovery. All told, we were back home by 3 pm yesterday! Barrett has definitely not found his normal self yet as he’s been in and out of grogginess due to the anesthetic and is still taking some happy drugs. Prior to the procedure, we were told that he would be having his fingers splinted post-op but instead, they let us know yesterday morn that he would have two casts. His “lower half” seems to be little issue. Although he’s been very frustrated today with his Hulk Hands, he will only have 11 more days in casts and then we’ll be back to movin’ and groovin’. Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. It’s always stressful when a little guy {or anyone, I suppose} has to go under anesthesia but we’re thankful that it was for such a minimally invasive surgery and that Barrett is a healthy, sweet, capable boy.