My very first post … the very reason I started compiling my thoughts on-line … was born out of the fact that we were expecting our sweet little Snowball. I quickly found upon being pg that there seemed to be a whole lot of business about babies and baby bearing that people weren’t sharing. I mean, seriously, everyone says “When are you going to have kids?” and then… then… as soon as you are knocked up, the “You have no idea what you’re in for(s)…” begin. So, Baby on the Brehm {and let me again remind you, our last name is pronounced Brame not Bremm} began. My commitment to blogging has waxed and weaned but it’s been a great way for me to chronicle my thoughts on motherhood and beyond.
Well, the nausea is in and out, the constipation has crept back in, the boobs are once again blossoming, the exhaustion is in full effect and the bump is beginning to bulge. Bring on the expandapants and pack away the tampons. Yes, my friends, a baby is in my belly. I’ve once again festooned a fetus on my person. I am baking a bun. If you ask Barrett where the baby is… he gleefully points to my tum tum…and then to Adam’s belly … and then to his own. But for now, I am the only one bearing the babe. I am 10ish weeks along, with a due date of July 9 … and we are all realistically expecting a JuneBug. If you followed my pregnancy with Barrett, you know he was deemed our Snowball. As we are once again not finding out the sex (oh yes…we’re those people… those non-planners who throw caution to the wind), we will be calling this little one, Grin.
The second time out of the gate has already proven to me that there’s no expecting what to expect when expecting. I’ve not yet puked. Which is awesome. And while I’ve had my days filled with not-so-fun nausea, I’ve not puked. And I’m calling that a win. The expansion of my belly seems to be much more progressive this time. While my pants still fit, it’s getting harder to not appear as if I’ve eaten one plate too many of Christmas cookies. And, while heartburn has been much less of a heartache, my nasal cavity is feeling the pressure of this pregnancy.
The biggest difference though is how stinking tired I am. I loved bearing Barrett. After the first trimester, it was downright dreamy. But this time, it’s not dreamy enough. I’ve purchased some heftily priced all-natural under-eye cream … I’ve attempted to clock as many ZZZ’s as possible … I’ve even been lame and tried to keep plans to a minimum but this momma is tired and there’s no hiding it. The first pregnancy was all about me. I laid around. Got massages. Got my nails done. Because, you know, pregnancy is a time for pampering. Turns out, the second pregnancy … not about pampering. It’s about running after your first one while you cook the second. It makes me seriously question the sanity of one Mrs. Duggar. I can’t believe she wasn’t sleep walking through the entire taping of that 34th baby she just had.
There will be much more to come as this little Grin gets growing. And surely many more mumblings on motherhood madness — the second edition. But, for now, that’s our news. The Brehm bunch is growing to four… Adam, Ashli, Grin & Barrett.