For the better part of the winter months, Barrett has been battling a bark. Hacking. Coughing uncontrollably. Call it what you will, I sometimes envision walking into his room, only to find a half a lung in the crib. I suppose to say it’s been going on for months may be a bit of touching up the truth but in all reality, it’s been off and on for at least 6 weeks. In the midst of two bouts of tickly prickly tonsils, pain in the ear, mucousy runny diapers, and subsequent run-ins with diaper rash, the cough has kept on kicking. Barrett’s endured a few Dek-ups {visits to the good Dr.}. They’ve tested for whooping cough, bronchitis, and cobwebs, but we generally get the same answer. Humidifier. Water. If that doesn’t work, warm water. Honey. Vapo-Rub. Prop the crib. They never call him contagious. They never fear for his set of breathers. Just a cough. Mmm hmm.