It was one of the very best days of my life. One year ago today.
Who would think that induction. and contractions. 12 hours of labor. Who would think that would be amazing?
But it was.
Our little Jonah bug, all 4 pounds 11 ounces of him {though we immediately presumed him bigger than his predecessor}, came into our lives. To the tune of “take my life”. And it. was. beautiful. Truly one of the most picturesque moments I’ve lived. Perfection in such a small package.
So much less tumultuous than Barrett’s birth, we were not the least bit surprised by Jonah’s pint size. We were not surprised by any questions raised. We were not assuming anything. And perhaps that is why it was without stress. Or worry. It was just. Perfect.
And through this last year, we lived through the sleepless nights. We made it through 11 and a half months of breastfeeding, and a successful wean. We survived the weight gain issues. The reflux. The colic. MSPI. Persistent fussiness. Chronic contstipation. And ultimately, found the same little darling that we met one year ago, amidst all those painstaking parenting battles. And we know, once again, that we are the luckiest.
It’s a happy happy day in the brehm house. Our sweet Jonah bug and our family of four, turns one. And we all lived to tell about it.
Thank you to our family and friends who have loved Jonah and us over the past year. It truly takes a village. And thank you to Barrett for being such an incredible big brother. And thank you to Jonah. You’ve made our hearts more whole, mr. Bug.