I asked Barrett today if he knew why we have Mother’s Day and his response was, “It’s because we love you”. He’s been talking about Mother’s Day all week and he even wrote me a song about it.
Barrett loves me but he really LOVES Superheroes. Like, wears a cape daily-fights the bad guys-thinks I’m Wonder Woman-recently sent Aquaman a care package, love. So for him to declare me an amazing hero and Supermom… this not only proves that my subliminal brainwashing has been effective but also that my work here is pretty much complete. I can think of no better compliment from my eldest. And because he loves them, Mr. Jonah is also developing an affinity for all things Supers, so to earn the moniker of Supermom, in a household of boys {who quite possibly love their father more than me…for good reason}, is pretty much the best it’s gonna get.
The fact of the matter is, we are all Supermoms. In a recent post, I shared why I think moms rock. (Dads rock, too, but your day is in June.) But I think we are all hesitant to admit that we’re not so bad at this motherhood thing after all. Think you’re not Supermom. Welp. You are. We all are. And though we certainly don’t do it all alone, Mother’s Day is our one day a year we should own our Super status.
We should own the fact that our bodies are designed to create humans. Inside them. If that isn’t Super, I don’t know what is.
Our bodies also possess the parts to feed humans. And as weird as I find this, even after putting two boys to the boob, it’s still pretty badass. Let’s be real… never, have I ever, seen Iron Man even attempt to breastfeed a baby.
And for those women whose babes don’t come from inside their bods, they possess the power to love them as if they do. Without fail. Thor’s dad, Odin, sent Thor’s “brother(ish)”, Loki, to jail. Not so Super after all, eh?
Moms are so in tune to their babies, they hear their cries through the deepest of slumber and yet, Spidey Sense is so impressive.
And although we do not grow an extra arm with each child {which I seriously think is unfortunate}, we moms have the ability to hold a screaming toddler while prepping dinner, wrangling another child and talking on speaker phone to our husbands. Elastigirl has nothing on us.
With Thor-like force, we have the ability to put down the hammer on toddler tantrums, 5 year old whining and 16 year old resentment.
We have the ability to suck snot from our children’s noses, change over three thousand diapers in the first year of life, and get yacked on from time to time. And Superman balks at a little Kryptonite.
Since becoming a mom, I can get showered and ready for the work day, make breakfast, empty the dishwasher and turn on a show {with help from Superdad…}, faster than Flash can take a breath.
Moms everywhere battle teenage hormones with incredible restraint and patience. Not so incredible eh, Hulk?
Wonder Women in all ways, we do our very best to shield our kids from hurt, pain and the hard stuff. Your move, Captain America.
And while Batman thinks his Batmobile is so hardcore, moms everywhere are rocking minivans and making them look good.
We moms say it often….I am not Super Mom. And we totally believe it. Yet we clearly possess extraordinary and superhuman powers. Riddle me that, Batman…
So a Happy Mother’s Day to the best moms I know. You are all Supermoms. And may you have the best.mother’s day.ever.