A few years ago, I wrote a little post about the fact that, if you get your carpet cleaned on a Tuesday, then it is pretty much guaranteed that your kid will barf on said carpet on Wednesday… Because although Math and I broke up several years ago due to irreconcilable differences, I do recall the if/then relationship.
I remember asking my High School Calc teacher allllll the time “when, prey tell, will I really need to know this stuff?”. Well, Mr. Rector is most def getting the last laugh because I am called to use math in some way, on the daily. Especially when it comes to figuring out the likelihood or the probability of something.
So today, I will dress like a Superhero because after our end to the night last night, no one puked, no one had to be taken to urgent care, no one had a terribly painful hangnail… and these are all positives, people. Maybe today’s story will unfold as an if your kid loves you then he will give you a million dollars. And I guess if that happens, maybe Math and I can learn to love one another again. But I suppose the probability of that is pretty unlikely.