I’m a few days behind… Which I laughed about with my friend, Leslie, today. Because she runs this big, huge, legit website that makes moolah. You might know it because I talk about it ad nauseum, because I believe in it: Her View From Home.
Anyway, I was telling Leslie how I’m behind… I have a post to write about my weekend. A post about my final rads. And a few others bobbling around in my ol’ noggin. Aaaaand, I need to edit the first chapter of “my book”. And then laughed a bit that I was merely behind on my “hobby”. To which she replied, “never call your blog ‘just a hobby,” in different words, of course, but I decided I would stop doing so. So, if you’ve been with me for awhile, you know this has been a busy week. And, we are gearing up for a fun weekend at the Cattlemen’s Ball.
So…let me catch you up on our weekend…
On Friday, as part of my #summerofgoodness, we visited Project Hope… Which I’ll write more about later.
And we rounded out the day with a cousin-sleepover to mark having three more in the Metro!
Saturday… Allllllllll day… We were at the Oldest’s track meet. He’s been doing track since April in the West Omaha Track Club {go wolves} and I LOVE it. Not because he’s the best, because he’s far from it, but because it’s the first sport that I’ve seen him really excited about and pushed to do better in.
And last weekend, when his cousins and grandparents were there to watch and cheer him on, and he had three PRs, and then… And then… He finished the day earning a medal in the 4X4 {yes, there were only two teams… But they did earn the gold;)}… That day. That moment, had me in tears. This is the stuff I get to be here for for now. And I am so thankful. And so proud of him for trying new things.
Saturday night, Mama and Papa Eickman took the hubs and me out for a celebratory dinner. Because originally, radiation was to be completed on Friday and so they’d planned a special visit to one of Omaha’s finest restaurants, The Grey Plume. The food was delicious {including a Duck Fat Donut. And don’t even pretend that doesn’t sound amazing}, our Server, Melissa, was outstanding and told us about her bro-in-law actually creating the kickass plates they use in-house {if you ever make a reservation at The Grey Plume, I recommend Melissa. She’s darling. And she gave great food recs.}, the company was fantastic, and I even got the chef to come take a pic with me. Because this was a celebration worth documenting {fwiw, the Chef is apparently a BIG deal in the food world so thanks to Chef Clayton for taking a second for a snapshot.}
We finished out the night with a Whiskey {or Bourbon. I honestly don’t get the diff} Flight at Grane. And I snapped a photo of Nebraska Medicine on our trip down Dodge heading home. Because, cancer.
On Sunday, the hubs smoked a brisket and two chickens on his newest love, a Traeger Smoker, the kids played in the backyard, we took a walk, enjoyed the weather, and talked about those in our family who have served.
And then, on Monday, I washed and folded laundry {seriously. Six loads. Between the aquaphor I coat on for rads and the amount of times the Middlest changes pajamas every day, the laundry sitch is currently OOC}, spiffed up the house a bit, and watched movies {Forrest Gump. My Girl. So damn good.} while the boysies spent time at the lake with Mama and Papa Brehm and Co. I was in need of a stay inside and away from the sun due to my rads burns {I can’t be in direct sunlight for the next two weeks — yes, I am a Gremlin– and then, after that, I have to wear a rashguard and zinc all summer. And no, I haven’t located any of the hot pink Zinc circa 1987. In fact, I found CLEAR zinc at Walgreens.} and they were in need of lake air. All in all, a win for everyone.
And, I stopped over at a friend’s house to borrow some cowboy boots from her stash {thanks, Les}. And the boots in the middle are $500. For reals, y’all. I am thinking I will end up wearing the cobras but I’ll have to see once I pick the dress up from alterations.
It felt exceptionally lovely. The weekend. Extended. To just chill, eat delicious food, enjoy great company, and recognize that summer is upon us. And that life…Well, it’s pretty good right now. Even when it’s oh, so simple.