Ohhhh… we’re there. We’ve reached that point. The point where one mom exits the picture. And another enters. Because it’s officially summer. And we’re in summer mode at our house. Maybe you are, too? What, you’re not sure? Well… here are some of my tell tale signs that School Year mom has left the building and Summer Mama is manning the station…
School year mom plans lunch for the next day. Summer mom looks at the clock at 1 pm and decides we can eat cheese and crackers and fruit or pb and j.
School year mom has dinner planned every night. Summer mom is basically Cher from Mermaids and would prefer marshmallow kabobs or finger foods every night… calling them tapas, of course.
School year mom knows what day of the week it is, if it’s PE day or Art day, and if the homework folder has been signed. Summer mom doesn’t even know what month it is.
School year mom has a specific day she does specific cleaning. Summer mom thinks cleaning is an exercise in futility and does a five hour overhaul once a month or so… or so.
School year mom believes in a 7:30 bedtime and holds fairly firmly to that goal. Summer mom is happy when the kids are down by 9. Because the sun is still out. So the day is still viable.
School year mom is on social media and texting with her friends, and knows what’s going on in the news. Summer mom is totally out of the loop.
School year mom has snacks prepared for certain times of the day. Summer mom makes the kids rummage for themselves.
School year mom gets up to eat breakfast and get the kids to school. Summer mom sleeps in, comes down to two olders playing iPads, makes coffee, and lounges for awhile. And by nine, tries to figure out if a second cup of coffee is necessary or desired.
School year mom can sort of, pretty much, usually keep up with laundry. Summer mom has given up on that delusion.
School year mom puts on mascara and sometimes, bronzer. Summer mom still has her mascara in a travel bag from vacay and lives on sunscreen and bare skin.
School year mom asks that all toys be gathered, and put away at the end of the day, at least. If not throughout the day. Summer mom is happy if the children are playing with toys and are not fighting.
School year mom makes the kids rest for an hour and a half so she can blog, clean, and be organized. Summer mom makes the kids rest so she can nap as long as the baby does.
School year mom carries a gym bag, and makes it to the gym for her fave class. Summer mom carries a child’s sized monkey backpack, and is happy to make it to the gym or do a tape at home a few days a week.
School year mom wants wine at 5. Summer mom wants a margarita at 5. But only because it’s festive.
School year mom prays that her children are safe at school. Summer mom prays that her children don’t kill each other.
School year mom is thankful for the structure. Summer mom is thankful for no structure.
School year mom is thankful when the school year begins and ends. Summer mom is thankful when the summer begins and ends.
What about you? Are you in summer mom mode? If so, share your summer mama vs school year mama realities here or on my facebook page! Solidarity, sista!