And then, I let them touch my boobs and see my bacon bitted nip.
I’ve gotten to speak 3 different times so far this month. Because, breasts! It’s our month to shine! We who have the empty breasts… the ones who were scraped out on the inside and are now literally, only a shell of their former selves. We who have been loaded up with toxins that made our hair say peace out. We who are walking pink ribbons, we are the Soup du Jour, the Flavor of the Month, the Stars of the Week.
I got to speak at the Omaha Women’s Health and Wellness Conference. It was a day dedicated to women understanding how to get through life’s hard. And I spoke at least 30 minutes longer than I was supposed to. So. That went well.
I got to speak at the Komen walk. And I believe at one point, I said the sentence, “We need to make stop more people from having the dates.” Makes sense, right? Like, that’s a real sentence, ya? Oh, and I slipped my Komen shirt on right before I talked… BACKWARDS. I stood up in front of thousands of people with my Blanche hair and my backwards shirt and said, “We need to make stop more people from having the dates.”
And then, there was my talk at the Omaha Junior League. The one where I told people they could feel my boobs. And see my nipples. And I delivered on that.
I don’t know if I’m meant to be a speaker. I don’t know if I’m meant to be anything other than I am right now (which, btw, would be more than enough). I don’t know. But I will do just about anything if it means that women will hear and remember the following:
- Life is short – Like Martin, friends. Life is short and not forever. So don’t keep waiting to do the things you are dreaming of. Don’t tell yourself you’re not cool enough to rock your goals. Don’t sell yourself short. Because life is already short. Don’t let it be Martin, too.
- Be your own health advocate – SERIOUSLY. THIS IS NOT JUST LIP SERVICE. Find a doctor. Go to that doctor. Find a gym or a DVD or a trail and spend time at the gym, watching that DVD, or clomping on that trail. FEEL YOUR BREASTS. OR TESTICLES. OR WHATEVER HANGING PIECES YOU POSSESS.
- Love your TRIBE today – There are a lot of people who make up your tribe. A lot. Family, Framily, Friends, and even Vriends (your Facebook internet peeps). LOVE ON THEM. Love on them. Love on THEM. I learned in college that the very best resource is the human one. Turns out, college was right. We are here to love and feel loved. We are here to connect and feel connected. We are here, not to be in solitude.
- Be into yourself – LOVE your body. Seriously. My body is a completely altered vessel. From cells to cellulite, my body has been flip turned upside down. But I appreciate it. I love it. And I refuse to be mean to it since it has stuck with me through 34 years. Babies. Losses. Cancer. And general life activities. Give yourself a big freaking hug. Tell yourself that you are the way you are meant to be for today. And if the future you looks different, well, that’s absolutely lovely. And if not, that’s lovely, too.
- Find the GOODNESS – Please. Please. Please. It’s here. In front of you. It very well may be what life is about. So. much. goodness. People want to be good. Let them be.
So right now, I will write, I will share, I will talk, I will get interviewed… I will do whatever I can to spread those messages in my own words. In my own time.
I used to worry that wanting to be the one to share those words made me self-important. But now, I am realizing that we each have a message to share. And if life gives us the chance, we ought to take it.
I let them touch my boobs. Because they’re hard, y’all. Not the people. The boobs. For real. And people need to understand that even though Pink can make breast cancer seem popular, it is not a desirable diagnosis. Just because there are ribbons on everything from here to China — literally — doesn’t mean it’s a cool diagnosis to receive. And just because it looks like you might get a set of fake boobs, breast cancer is hard shit. It’s just the truth. The boobs might be hard (if you undergo a mastectomy), the treatment is definitely hard, and the reality… that’s hard.
And people need to know that they must FEEL THEIR OWN.
I’m speaking again next month. And in April. I’m getting to share my stories. The ones I’ve been writing here for so long. From being a mom. Having tiny babies. Being a woman. Feeling lost. And unattractive. Being a patient. Feeling scared and mortal. Being a wife. Feeling like I should be able to wear all the hats perfectly. And being me. And learning that that’s okay. And feeling beautiful, at times. On days. For moments… or hours. I’m getting to be a storyteller and hoping it spreads awareness. Hope. Laughter. And comfort. I’m hoping it spreads GOODNESS.
Thank you SO much to the Omaha Women’s Wellness Conference for having me. I enjoyed checking out the whole conference and being reminded of how women can be resilient.
And, to the Junior League of Omaha, you ladies are a class act AND are spreading GOODNESS in all that you do. Loved the meeting and hearing about the many ways that you are making a difference right here in O town (looking for a way to get involved in the community? These women are legit.). Pretty much popcorn and m&m’s. Because no one can resist ya.
We all have a story. So happy to get to share mine. Even if I’m a mess. Even if I’m inappropriate. Even if I’m me. Because another thing I want people to know… being you is pretty much the best thing you can do.