Sweet baby Moses, you guys! I am having so much fun this week. Love all of you for nominating friends to win the Goodness. Love our givers. They’re the best. And today, it’s small biz Saturday, you know? The perfect day to check out the Givers and buy some gifts for your fave gals.
So today’s giver is a beautiful girl I’ve been lucky to know for awhile now. I met her when I was an adviser for my sorority and she was a collegiate and I immediately loved her cool spirit. She is crazy talented in the area of design and has recently added a new venture, Skenoo.
Today, Rachel is giving a sampling of her products and I looooove them.
First of all, they arrived in my mail like this…
Adorable, yes? Yes.
And then, I opened the packages to find the Goodness…
Love. Love. Love.
Go shop at Rachel’s new Etsy shop and order something for your fave gal who feeds your soul with goodness. She has canvases, notebooks, and more.
You can order a custom item by December 1 for Christmas delivery OR order anything in her shop by the 12th and it will get to your friend’s mailbox by the time the man in red flies over!!
Check out my social media accounts today to nominate a friend to win!! Thanks, Rachel, for spreading goodness!!