Wow. 2017. I feel like I’m in some futuristic novel writing that 2017. How did it get to be Twenty Seventeen?!
What a year 2016 has been. In 2016, I:
Completed chemo.
Started and finished radiation.
Underwent a fecal transplant.
Had sinus surgery.
Completed phase 2 of breast reconstruction.
I started the year with no hair
And ended it with thick, brown locks!
I did my first couple live talking events. I attended a few cancer events… as a survivor. I continued my blog. I started a book. I took a lot of photos. I learned how to Live Chat. I got to spread GOODNESS. Some things went well… some were learning opportunities. I continued writing for Her View From Home and the Omaha World Herald. I had a few other websites pick up my words. And I made new friends.
I ran in two small races. The Duck and Dumpling and the Super Bowl 5k.
Celebrated life with family and friends.
Vacationed courtesy of family and Little Pink Houses of hope.
Was a mother, wife, sister, and friend.
And even got a call from the Ellen Show. Twice.
And last night, on New Year’s Eve, I cried. Oh and I drank a lot of champagne. But I cried because life. Because life… it’s a ride. It’s a crazy ride, friends.
And this last year, if I had a word, a theme… it would have been: Thrive. And I believe that thrive, we did.
I feel like I got so lucky to see second chances at age 34. I got lucky to hear the words cancer and free in the same sentence. I got lucky to have my boys. My husband. My friends. My family.
Wow. 2016 was quite the year.
And so, for 2017, I have a new word…
With God. With my faith. With my family. With my friends. With cancer survivors. With my health. With my world. With my writing. With my followers. With my goals. With my purpose.
Connect. Because that what this life is for. Connecting with the world around us.
Thank you, 2016. And thank you to all who read and stayed on my journey. My goal for 2017 is to grow my followers to 10k. And to finish my book and edit it and see if my followership can earn my book a publisher. So please, stick with me… share my words when you feel you want to. And connect. I am hopeful that I can continue to find ways to spread GOODNESS. Actually write people back in a timely manner. And work smarter not harder on my social media presence.
It is my year, I believe, to make a difference. And connect.
What’s your word? What are your goals?