I took the Ashland exit off of I80 in Nebraska. I took a right onto a county road. I drove straight down until I reached a plot of peace. The office to one side of the road. And down a bit of a hill, a gorgeous white conference center with a lush backdrop of trees upon trees upon trees. You’d hardly know it was settled pretty squarely in the middle of two Nebraska metro areas. Because it’s really it’s own place.
Carol Joy Holling Camp. A Nebraska retreat center. A gem of land used for the most peaceful of reasons. To help people of all ages find a way to tap into their spiritual side. And gosh, it’s hard not to feel a calm as you venture around the campgrounds.
When I arrived for my tour, I immediately felt like I was stepping back in my life. To my years at camp. And I almost felt giddy. There is something about that church camp feeling. If you never experienced it, you might not know what I am talking about. But if you ever, even once, experienced a day at summer camp, church or otherwise, you know… it’s a mix of excitement, connection, and fresh air that just can’t be replicated anywhere else. It’s waking up in a cabin or a tent and smelling the morning. It’s sitting in the mess hall yelling, “we are table number one!” as loud as you can. It’s going up on the ropes course, scared, and completing it, exhilarated. It’s making a best friend in a day. Singing to a guitar around a campfire at night. And it’s making friendships that have a foundation of the same beliefs which is to love one another. It’s transformative. Truly.
These reasons and so many others, are why I am so so excited about this Giftaway. This partnership with Carol Joy Holling Camp. Because a huge reason I started partnering/collaborating/and sharing others’ stories was to help spread GOODNESS and this is almost as good as it gets… a week at camp FREE. A free week at Carol Joy Holling Camp for one special kiddo, aged 1st grade to high school. All they need to do is be able to get there. Oh wait. I guess, we should let them choose a friend to take with them, right? Right.
So, one lucky kiddo and a friend of their choice are going to FOR FREE experience that church camp feeling. They don’t have to be Lutheran. Though the church camp is affiliated with the Lutheran church. They don’t have to even have a relationship with Christ. But they do need to be open to learning and discovering faith. And I’d love to see a kiddo who otherwise may not have a chance to go, win… but that could be because a family has multiple kiddos and it’s cost prohibitive or just simply because the parents will be happy to send their child with a friend in tow. I want you all to nominate like crazy on this.
Carol Joy Holling Camp is truly a plot of sunshine. With separate villages for different ages of campers, kids can sleep in a Tipi, Ranch Camp, a cabin, and even, some nights, on a mattress on the lawn. The campers get a chance to experience everything from crafts, archery, wildlife, kayaking, ropes courses, rappelling, and maybe even horseback riding… along with the usual camp activities like s’mores, singing, making new friends, and developing and nurturing a christ-like life. The best thing… the kids get to unplug for the week — no iPads or phones, no video games — just good old fashioned GOODNESS. Sunsets. Swimming. And spiritual gifts.
When I visited camp, I got to meet the Director of Marketing, Casey Fuerst, and I wanted to stay all day. I wanted to stay overnight. I wanted to just connect with the cross and feed my self a bit… and I can’t imagine anything better to give your child/nephew/niece/grandchild/Godchild/or friend.
Please check out Carol Joy Holling Camp’s website and explore the camp options for the 2017 camp season. Also, the link I’ve included has a great half-off offer for first time campers!! Find more details and see if you are eligible. They are also currently hiring Counselors for camp — if you are one year into college, you can apply!
Also, keep in mind that there will be all kinds of kiddos at each camp session from different backgrounds, families, states, and experiences… so don’t let not living in Nebraska stop you from sending your kiddo to the Good Life for a week this summer. It realllllly is a lifelong love for people who have experienced it. I am so excited for our Oldest to experience his first week this summer. I know it will be something that he will always remember. And will want to do each summer after.
That church camp feeling is one that every one should get to have at least once. Nominate a kiddo to unplug – understand a christ-like life – and sleep under the stars. You will truly be giving the gift of GOODNESS that will stick with them for more than just a week.
Thank you to Carol Joy Holling Camp and to Casey for this incredibly generous gift. If you have ANY questions about camp or what they do there, please leave it in the comments or on my blog and either myself of Casey can answer. Oh, and never fear, parents, there are ways for you to stay connected with your child throughout the week — without being all up in their grill. And if you’re not sure if your child would be ready, check out the Camp Preview on April 22nd. You and your children/friends/family can attend a time on site for a small fee ($10 per person) to do exactly what I got to do recently — tour camp, see the separate sites, and hear about the church camp feeling and how Carol Joy Holling Camp will become something that your child will love! There are also grandparent camps and Taste of Camp — alternative options if children aren’t ready to attend camp solo. I just love how there is something for everyone!
So, who will you nominate to win a free week at camp? You can nominate as many times as you want. The winner will be randomly chosen. The Giftaway started on Wednesday, March 22 and will continue through Sunday, April 2nd {closing at 10 pm CST}. SOOOOOO nominate and ask questions on Facebook or here!