And then, he was 6.
Wow. Why does 6 feel so big for him and yet right where he was meant to be. He has grown UP and IN this last year. I don’t even know how to explain it all. But if I had to say the year that we’ve seen the biggest oomph come into the Middlest, it has to have been the 5-6 one.
He’s become this jovial, kind, still quirky, grateful human. He has this crazy mind. And I don’t mean that as he’s smart {though I think he seems to be somewhat}. Or that his aptitude has proven to be anything special. I mean that he has this thing. His teachers said, “his mind works differently. He sees things differently. He’s inventive.” I agree. He’s just a different kind of kid than our first or our last. They each have their own ways about them. Thank goodness.
He is 6. He will head to kindergarten in a few short months and while we knew he wasn’t ready last year, this year I know he is. He is confident. He is a communicator. He is learning to cope so much better than he ever could. And follow through… he can almost find his shoes now;). He loves to read. Chapter books. He’ll tell you they have to be chapter books now because, you know, he’s going to kindergarten. 😉 And he likes to get dirty. Whenever possible.
He has a flare for fashion. His very favorite color is blue. His most cherished possessions seem to be his “babies” aka a bunch of stuffed animals. And he is running track and plans to do soccer in the fall. He is no longer a baby. Which I know should have been said of him when he turned 5, I suppose. But our Jonah has just really morphed this year into a totally different kid. One who is still tender… but who can handle himself much better {most of the time} than he ever could before.
Jonah is a sweet little dude. He loves to love and loves to be loved and he is filled with a special sort of magic that I didn’t see form until this year. He is his own man. He adores his brothers. He is excited about the littlest things. He loves music. And he is tender. He is still somewhat of a sourpatch kid… but moreso on the sweet these days than the former heavy emphasis on the sour. And I just am so proud to be his mama.
There’s a light in you, my six year old Jo… and I believe it’s only just the start of the big giant spark you are meant to project.
Happy 6th birthday to the boy who gave me the best birth I had. Who I had an overwhelming love for from the very start. And who I have grown to like more and more with each passing year. You are a special soul, Jonah Brooks. Thank you for being ours for awhile.