And then she heard the words from her friend and stylist… “it’s back…”
It’s back to where it was before. But she knows she will never be. It took 18 months to get “it” back. But she will NEVER go back to where she was before.
She will never be the same texture. The same color. The same person. She won’t.
And she is so happy about that.
Because where she is now… it’s better. It was hard to get here. It wasn’t something she ever wants to do again… like that 80s perm… it was necessary, it seems, for what it was… where it was. But she wants to continue forward as this new girl+the girl who started with the fuzz the first time. A jumbled puzzle of her years and her experiences. Her roots and her ends. Her start and her present. And strand by strand, she will embrace the good hair days… the bad days… the kinks… the curls… and the beautiful mess. The evolution of her hair and her life.
Becoming together.
Unbecoming together.
And sometimes, falling out, starting over, and realizing that there is little way she will ever actually be in control. Of her hair. Or her life.
And how much better it all feels when she remembers that each day.