Two days prior to popping out Jonah, Barrett woke from his nap in tears. He had a 102+ temp and because we believed we would, perhaps, be bouncing B to and fro for the week ahead, Adam and Barrett made a quick visit to Urgent Care. It was viral. But, an observation was made… what was not viral … the monsters of a two year old mouth … the two year molars. They could take several weeks to work their way out, she said.
Seriously. Why why why. I couldn’t think of more perfect timing for the poor kid. Yes, Barrett, it’s your lucky day … you get to come home to a new baby and have swollen, red mounds making their move in your mouth. Sure, there are crappier things in life, but try explaining that to a two-year old trying to make sense of it all.
Barrett always teethed “hard” as a babe. And the two-year molars are proving to be one last hurrah… making this mama nearly certifiable. It’s also helped me decide that when the tooth fairy starts visiting our house, she {or he … if you want to be PC} will surely be leaving something special for me as well. We’ve all worked hard for each and every little pearly white one.
5am wake-ups. No nap today. Tears. Drool. Ick. Yuck. Night-time terrors.
Two-year molars, you can suck it. You bite.