Month Eight Highlights
- Jonah continues to wear 6 month/9 month and 6-12 month clothes and wears size 2 dipes.
- On average J bird sleeps from about 7:30 in the eve to about 4:30 in the morn. Then again until, on average, around 7:00…but sometimes 6.
- Throughout the eighth month, Jonah’s fussing becomes even less and he is happier when doing tummy time, rolling about and scooting in circles. He likes to sit and really loves to pull himself to standing…too often for mommy and daddy’s comfort…
- Right before the end of the month, Jonah scores his second and third ear infections as well as another virus.
- Jonah still has somewhat irregular naps but takes 2 on a good day. He also goes down for naps without being rocked to sleep most of the time.
- Jonah’s GI intolerance
- Dairy is back!!! {Can I get a woop!} Soy actually appears to be more of an issue than dairy… Mommy will be reintroducing the diet for one additional week to get to the root of Jonah’s tummy discomfort
- Jonah continues to battle GERD
- Jonah still takes Prevacid 2x daily.
- Food! Jonah is able to tolerate most foods! He does not do as well with carrots and we are still staying away from sweet potatoes due to gas issues. He has a lot of prunes and prune juice!
- Jonah’s favorite toy is a package of wipes. He also enjoys Legos {duplo} as well as riding around in the big red car.
- Jonah continues to suck on his index and ring finger with some frequency and can generally be found with his hand or a toy in his mouth and a pool of drool on his chin and chest.
- This little boy is very mobile!
- Oh, month 8… You have thrown us a few more curve balls…we are hoping that Jonah’s fussiness will subside as the months draw closer to 12…but as usual, always a work in progress:).