Well, friends. It’s time.
We had the littlest’s 9 month well-check the other day. Because, you know, he’s 10 months now so it seemed like good timing {poor youngest kiddo… we’ll probably have his birth announcements out with his graduation announcements}. And he’s doing famously. He’s in the 2nd percentile in head circumference, weight, and length. Proportional and following his own curve beautifully. He is doing all of the normal 8 month adjusted stuff. And though his reflux is still evident, all other MSPI symptoms seem to have been kept at bay for the better part of the last several months and so, it would seem, we are ready for the next big thing.
And that. That is… reintroducing soy back into mama’s diet.
So here we are. After 9 months without one bit of soy flour, soy sauce, soy protein, soy milk, I can pull the trigger and say, soy nice to meet you, again.
So you’d think I would have rushed out to the store and scored some edamame and some soy sauce and had myself an old-fashioned scarf down. But eeeeeek. I’m nervous. I know. You’re surprised that I would have even one bit of anxiety of change. But I do. Because of course I want for it to be good and okay and a successful introduction but having been down this road before, I know that it could also not be successful.
So once I pick my poison, my soy of choice, I will introduce one type of soy and play the wait and see game. And then another. And so on. And so forth. And then I will report back, hopefully with fireworks and all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet vouchers. {Of note, I have realized through doing this diet three times that EVERYTHING has soy in it… a little freaky, honestly}.
And hopefully I will be saying hello to dairy again soon after that. And soy long, farewell to this MSPI business. I’m sooooo excited… but I’m soooo scared! Wish me luck!