Friday was it! The last day of the school year in our neck of the woods. And I started my day with 7:15 AM radiation to make sure I didn’t have to miss any of the fun and festivities. I will give a radiation update tomorrow but I will also mention that, after today, I only have SIX rads sessions left!
I got home and snagged the Oldest for drop off. But first, let us take a family selfie. {And to all of you who mentioned loving my hair… that’s a very huge lovely hairy compliment to someone who was recently bald… so thanks;)}.
And then, I got the kids to school late. And still made them pose for a pic. And by late, I mean like, three minutes after the crossing guard went in. But still. I’m gonna need to stop being such a slacker come fall. So here are B and Carpool Girl. And she’s wearing the shades because that was their treat for the last day. B just refused to wear the offerings I had. And yes. They are in the same class. Just in case you’re curious why she’s a whole head taller.
Then, off to the Middlest’s Grad Ceremony.
It. Was. Adorbs. He was adorbs.
The pomp and circumstance was adorbs. Pretty much fantastic all around.
A squeeze from his teacher for the last two years. We will miss her dearly. Such a gentle soul who the Middlest seemed quite fond of. And so were we. And I don’t know how we would have made it through this year without her, her staff, and the driver, Miss Patti. Such a great group.
Then, we brunched with gma and gpa B at vi. The Littlest was basically a holy terror but we played through because he’s at the point where he’s having to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around him. Poor youngest child.
Then, from brunch to retrieve the Oldest. I can’t get over the cuteness overload in this photo. I mean. Watch out, ladies.
And one with his teacher. Because SHE rocks. Ugh. Two years of RRRREEEEAAAALLLLLY phenomenal teachers has set the bar pretty high for future years.
And of course one with his school counselor. Because she is basically his BFF. And between his classroom teacher, counselor, and principal, the school year was easy peasy for him despite the whole cancer biz.
We were going to get Dairy Chef, which is pretty much the bee’s knees, but aborted that mission when we saw a line about 1000 people deep and instead, snagged Runza, and met up with some of my fave boy mamas at the park. And, we departed when one of my three children got the runs-as and I didn’t have a spare set of pants.
We snuck in nap. Allllll of us did. And then, when daddy got home, we headed out to dinner at the boys’ fave spot… Cilantro’s. I had a margarita and nearly fell asleep. The Oldest once again deemed me “hashtag boymom”. And one of the others, once again, put too much trust in a fart.
We ended out the night snuggled in their beds, thanking God for a safe and successful school year and I counted my lucky stars that I got to be laying there, with them, and had gotten to enjoy the whole day.
I cannot even begin to say thank you enough to any and all of you who made this year happen for our family. You know who you are but if you don’t, here’s a hint… if you kept my kids’ bellies full, took them while I had appointments, came to my house while I cried on my couch, let me cry on your couch, took the kids so I could nap, came up for my crashli days, took them to and fro — school, parties, etc., prayed for them to keep their mother around, laid your hands on us and asked for healing, were in their education teams, and on and on and on… if you did any of those things, thank you. A million and one times, thank you. I will never have said it enough. Even if I were to say it every day I have on this earth. But thank you.
On to second grade and pre-k. And onto a summer filled with… well… that’s for another day…