I feel like cancer can get a bum rap. I mean, sure, it's angry cells attacking your body. And it ravages whomever and whatever it wants. It doesn't discriminate. It …
I feel like cancer can get a bum rap. I mean, sure, it's angry cells attacking your body. And it ravages whomever and whatever it wants. It doesn't discriminate. It …
Well. It's that time of the year again. Where you make your summer bucket list, you sign your kids up for every camp, you keep a flask in the pocket …
"You haven't written much about radiation... is everything okay?" I've gotten this question a few times and so I thought I'd clear the air. I don't want to talk about radiation. Just …
Friday was it! The last day of the school year in our neck of the woods. And I started my day with 7:15 AM radiation to make sure I didn't …
We are at another ending. The end of a time. A time where one is a first grader. One is a pre-schooler. And one is two. And where doctor's appointments …
In 2008, I found out I was expecting. And the Oldest joined us in 2009. In 2010, I found out I was expecting. And the Middlest joined us in 2011. In 2013, …
Ummmm... why did I post that picture of that blurry guy and I in crazy folk costumes? Because tube socks, people. White. Tube. Socks. Why oh why?! Oh, high school. …
Oh, High School, in my memory, you are everything that is wonderful and great with the world. A time of idyllic optimism. And so many fun things, every day. It …
If I'd never met that nurse, I wouldn't have found a Midwife that I loved. I never would have known about the benefits of something non-mainstream. I never would have …
I know, I talk a lot about cancer these days... but up until I was diagnosed, my main focus on this ol' blog was motherhood. The good, the bad, the …