So, as I'm sure you've noticed, Adam and Ashli's blog very quickly became Ashli's blog. Does this mean that I haven't been involved with the process?...well obviously not in …
So, as I'm sure you've noticed, Adam and Ashli's blog very quickly became Ashli's blog. Does this mean that I haven't been involved with the process?...well obviously not in …
Here are a few pics from last Friday eve's Nebraska's Finest event.We had over 300 people in attendance for the festivities and made over $50,000 for CF research.One of our …
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat...and frankly, so is one mama-to-be. Adam and I took a trip to our midwife, Jearlyn, yesterday for a little Snowball session. While …
Adam and I attended the first class in our Prepared Childbirth courses and are now well on our way to becoming prepared parents. With one class down and 5 to …
It's event week at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and we are gearing up for Nebraska's Finest -- an event to honor those who have made outstanding contributions to the CF …
Throughout my first trimester, I found myself often thinking "Why doesn't maternity leave start now?". Many a morning I cursed having to get out of bed as I was fully …
It seems that I've found myself another little visitor for the next few days. Mr. Cold has moved into the Brehm hotel and is killing my mojo. That's right, in …
I have a sneaking suspicion that Snowball is really taking to me as his/her mama. Unless a little squirrel has somehow made its nest in my belly, Snowball is in …
Adam and I spent our weekend with the spotlight on Snowball. We hopped into the Liberty post-work on Friday and headed down the road to Kansas City. We spent the …