Wow. 2010 is here. I don’t know why it seems so surprising. Since I learned how to count I’ve known that 10 follows nine… just as nine followed eight. But really? 2010? It just seems crazy. Perhaps it’s because 2010 marks my 10 year high school reunion. Perhaps it’s because it is the first full year that I will be a mom. Perhaps it’s knowing that I’ve been around two full decades. Maybe even due to the fact that I’m nearing the end of my 20’s. I can’t quite put my finger on why twenty ten feels like such a milestone but it sure does.
Each new year brings a breath of fresh air. With that fresh air come dilusions of becoming the most organized, fit, well-balanced and least caddy version of myself and this year, add to that list, the charge of morphing into the best mother on the planet. I’ve never been one to really make new year’s resolutions. In fact, if I really don’t want to achieve something, then and only then will I resolve to do it as it surely won’t get done. But, I do internally conjure up ideas and thoughts in my mind of how I can be the very best version of myself. So, rather than a list of resolutions, I’ve made a top 10 list of wills for the new year… and then of course, my contigency plans for when my list of will do’s becomes a list of still {need to} do’s.
1. I will figure out what I am going to do regarding staying home full time within this year. Unless I get knocked up again in the year ahead… then I’ll just delay the inevitable and still be facing the same quandry in 2011’s list of wills.
2. I will read more books and revisit my favorites including the Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird and Catcher in the Rye… or at least get the SparkNotes… or maybe just a copy of People Magazine.
3. I will write more cards and less e-mails. If not, I’ll still write e-mails and save money on postage.
4. I will be a better mom to Barrett by being more patient. I feel as if I’m sorta setting myself up for failure on this one. I think though, if I can’t fully achieve this, I will instead committ to putting on new lipgloss before I scold him. This way, even if it doesn’t deter my behavior, my shiny lips will distract Barrett from my sometimes overreacting nature.
5. I will tone up my barrett. This is not to confused with my Barrett. My barrett is the cushy intertube that now resides around my waistline and my Barrett is my babe. I think this is one that I just may be able to do. But if not, I will be committed fully to enjoying the television shows that impede my progress.
6. I will scrub my kitchen floor more often. With a babe crawling around constantly this is something I must do more often. Okay, maybe I will just Swiffer it more. It’s pretty much the same.
7. I will stay up on current events. In the event that I can’t fulfill this top ten item, I will instead DVR the Daily 10 on E! and watch it each day following Adam’s arrival from work.
8. I will organize my closet and donate my abandoned clothes to Goodwill. I think I will definitely be able to achieve this as I used to be very good at this before B. The catch with this will is that, inevitably, I will then complain that I have no clothes. And, because I have no income, I will then find myself feeling like I need to make a decision regarding work… which will assist in completing #1.
9. I will have more “date nights” with Adam. And by date nights, I mean nights that I have showered and put makeup on in preparation of hanging out with him. I will though, settle for achieving one or the other and still having it count as a date night.
10. I will make new friends and keep the old. If I can’t make new friends, I will instead keep the old. Who really needs new friends when you already like the ones you have.
Two Thousand Ten…watch out…I’ve got big plans for you.