This. Is Us. Imperfect. And sometimes messy. Often a little disheveled. And full of life. Real life.
Adam and I signed on when we were ready to share the news of Snowball with the masses. And Baby on the Brehm was born. And many moons later, we are still sharing little bits and bites about the Brehms… sometimes with a three month hiatus… but bits just the same. And now there’s a little bit of a new look.
I’m nesting. I think, regardless of energy levels, I seem to pretty much nest throughout my entire gestational journey. With each pregnancy, the impending arrival of a new little love has put me into to-do list overdrive. And I don’t think this is unique to me.
So after over five years, I decided it was time. Time to feather my little corner of the internet. Time to spruce up the place for the newest Brehm-to-be. I’m still figuring my way around a little and working out some kinks. But overall, I like it.
I love this blog. Not because I’m vain or think I’m writing anything earth shattering. Not because it’s professionally or perfectly written {because it’s as flawed as I am}. Not because it pays the bills {or any bills, that is}. Not because it has 1000 followers {because clearly, it doesn’t}. But because it’s my place. My thing. And my memories. My account and thoughts on feeling the very moments of being a mother, a wife and just plain old me. And as a mom, as a wife and as a person, I love having something that feels like it’s truly mine {even though Blogger could probably fight me on that}. Something that, I can someday leave for my little loves to read and shake their heads at. To be utterly embarrassed by when necessary and also see my love and pride in them in a different way. Morsels of their mom and dad from the very start of things. The crazy moments. The sad ones. The far beyond exhausted. The blissfully grateful. And the happier than happiest. The ups and downs of this thing we call life.
We live in a time of over-sharing and in all things convenient, I happen to over-share and will continue to do so until I just can’t share no more. Thanks to all who read, share and on many occasions commiserate. You’ve given me a gift. And so, this nest has been feathered, just. for. you.