To our Barrett,
You are here, kid. You have arrived. And you are off to do great things. Er. You are off to see the world. Er. You are off to see what it’s like without us breathing down your neck 24/7. Yeah. I think that last one works.
Okay, B. Tomorrow is a big, different, extraordinary day. There will be no nap, no one lovingly {ahem} reminding you to drink your milk, no one to unzip your backpack or push you on the swing, or tell you to take your finger out of your ear. There will be tons of people you’ve never met who in two weeks, will be your best friends. And there will be lots of learning going on. But your dad and I think you’ve got this in the bag. Since we’re your parents, we, with much bias and pride, think you are headed in the right direction, but there’s going to be a lot going on out there. There will be people wanting you to try new things, say new things, do new things, be new things, and learn new things. And some of those things will be awesome, some will not. Some will be the right things, some will not. And some will be easy, while others, completely overwhelming. So we made you this list. Your ABCs of advice for Kindergarten. Some of it, we play on repeat at home and it is our hope of hopes that somehow, it’s stuck in your mind. Some of it, you’ll have to reach into your heart for. And some of it, is just plain common sense and should help you survive kindergarten without getting beat up. We love you, sir. Thanks for making us mom and dad and thanks for letting us cut our teeth on you. Hold on, son. It’s a wild ride ahead. So glad we get to be on it together.
Love, Mom and Dad
Barrett’s ABCs for Kindergarten
Act like a child. You are one.
Bully… Don’t be one.
Choose to be kind. Sometimes that choice is hard. But in the long run, it’s usually right.
Don’t stop dancing. You’ve got mad moves. Don’t stop singing. Girls dig singers.
Eat something at lunch. Your belly and your brain will thank you at 2:00 pm.
Fear not, for God is with you. And your parents aren’t too far away either.
Give your teacher props. Changing the world is a big job.
Help. Ask for it if you need it. And give it if someone needs it.
Inspire others. You’re never too little to make the world magical.
Just be you. It’s a lot of work to try to be anyone else.
Keep your hands out of your pants. It might be okay at home. At school, notsomuch.
Listen. Learn. And get better. And if you don’t get better, keep listening and learning.
Mom and dad love you. And so do your brothers. Grandparents. Aunts and uncles. And more.
Nobody likes the smelly kid. Brush your teeth. Take a bath.
Open mind. Keep one.
P.E. is awesome. It’s perfectly acceptable for it to be your favorite part of the day.
Quirks. We all have ’em. Don’t make fun of someone else’s.
Read. Every chance you get. Read.
Stick up for yourself. You’re freaking amazing.
Tell the truth. No matter what. Tell the truth.
Use your manners. Always. Please. Thanks.
Vegetables. Could you please find one or two you’ll actually eat?
Win fair. As they say in the Lion King, Cheetahs never prosper.
X. Just know that barely any words start with X. And it more often sounds like Z than X when it is at the beginning.
You decide what’s cool to you and roll with it. Don’t let other people choose who you are.
Zipper. Always check yours.