The day he was born was one of the best days of my life. And not just because we welcomed our second son into the world. It was the best birth I got to experience. And he came into the world in the most beautiful of ways.
And he’s been quite the ride, ever since.
Jonah is the kid who has managed to have this mama in tears from both frustration and laughter.
He’s the kid who has the sweetest voice and the most challenging personality. He is a lover, one who is designed to understand how to be gentle and caring.
And a fighter, one who is designed to stand up for himself and protect his brothers.
I will say it a million and two times. He is independent. Fiercely so. And he is is own man, through and through.
And he is four today, this beautiful second-born of ours. He has given us quite the last year with him. Full of everything that three represents. But he’s grown by leaps and bounds. His speech has gone from below average to almost off the charts. He’s been called bright, gifted, hilarious, entertaining, caring, a leader, and special by his teachers, and by us, and by many who meet him. He’s quite the kid. And he has me full of laughter every. single. day. The middlest.
Jbird. Jones. JoJo. Jonah B jones.
Jonah Brooks Brehm.
He is four. And we love every ounce of him.