Hey hey friendsies!! First of all, how is it Friday? This week has been the blur of all blurs to ever happen to life. BUT today is the day… we’re putting our house on the market! I plan to make my children wear saran wrap suits today and only allow them to eat white foods that cannot crumble. Should be easy enough, right? AND it’s also the day I blog over at Her View From Home! Hop on over and check out my deep thoughts for the week and if you like it, share share away, my friends {shameless plug as I get a little kickback for the views AND my friend, Leslie, who runs the biz gets to keep the lights on. Win/win;)}. Click here to read.
I will have fresh thoughts here next week as having the house market-ready will make for earlier bedtimes and a smidge less chaos… errrrrrr… at least we’re hoping. And if I haven’t gotten back to your comments, I promise, I will.
My children have decided we are never moving again because they think me asking them to keep the house spotless with every waking hour is pretty much the worst thing that has ever happened to life. Pretty much confirms that I can kiss that Mother of the Year award bye bye for the next five years. But hey, who needs trophies anyway… they just collect dust and you have to pack them when you move anyway. Right?
So that’s all she wrote for today. And if you’re in the market for a house or know someone who is, let me know… I’ll give you a cookie for your referral. Check it out and share the link if you’d like…