I overuse the words. The words blessed. Thankful. Grateful. They are so common now. It feels like they've become so cliche. So expected. I looked up synonyms. The options include appreciative, pleased, contented, glorified, fortunate... But …
I overuse the words. The words blessed. Thankful. Grateful. They are so common now. It feels like they've become so cliche. So expected. I looked up synonyms. The options include appreciative, pleased, contented, glorified, fortunate... But …
Last Thanksgiving, I spent the day eating with family. I ate two meals, I laughed, I embraced my family, I sent text messages to my friends. And then, on Black …
Pneumonia. Eagads. I went in for my four week post-surgery appointment to get my sinuses checked and de-breeded {yes. it's a fun and satisfying activity where they stick both a …
Soooo... big news around these parts. I've been cooking. And baking. And using my oven and stuff. I pretty much took a fairly lengthy hiatus from all things involving the …
So, kindness. It's a big thing. In fact, today is even World Kindness Day. Because apparently people need a reminder to be kind these days. Why so many are re-vowing this …
Yesterday is was Election Day in the good ol' US of A. It's the day where Americans have the right to cast their opinions at the polls. It's an incredible …
He darted through my room this morning as I pulled the recently freshened white sheets up over the bed. He giggled. Hid in the clothes in the closet. And zoomed …
Ugh. It seems to be that time of the year again. The stomach bug seems to be circulating and causing upheaval in households all around suburbia. It's the time of …
It was the first year the Oldest wanted to be something that a) wasn't "cute" and b) was almost unable to attend the trick or treating due to his attitude. So, …
The other day, I wrote a long jumbly mess of words about happiness. Contentedness. Joy. And living. It wasn't because I'd just had a girls' night or a Bible Study …